Digital marketing is a lot like the game of chess. You need to be very strategic, anticipate your opponent’s next move, and then be able to counter it. This is why you should always hire a digital marketing agency in Milwaukee rather than trying to do it yourself. If you’re not sure where to start your search for such an agency or what kind of questions you should ask before signing on the dotted line with one, then read on!
Become a Google Ads Qualified Partner
Becoming a Google Ads Qualified Partner is an important step in your digital marketing journey. It means that you’ve met Google’s rigorous technical, policy and product requirements and are entitled to a number of benefits.
Here are just some of the reasons why becoming a Google Ads Qualified Partner would be beneficial for your business:
- You can manage all of your clients’ accounts from one central location (the “My Accounts” tab). This will make it much easier for you to manage multiple clients across multiple time zones while still keeping track of what’s going on in each campaign.
- You’ll have access to more tools like custom reports, ad customizers and call-only ads that allow users to target specific audiences based on their phone numbers rather than keywords or topics related to their search queries–all within one platform!
Gather Intelligence and Audit Your Competitors
The first step in the process is to gather intelligence and audit your competitors. You need to understand who they are, how they operate and what makes them successful. This will help you determine where you want to be different from or better than them.
Once you know who your competitors are, it’s time to look at their websites and marketing strategies. See what works for them or doesn’t work for them (and why). This will give you insight into what does work for other businesses in similar industries so that when it comes time for us build out our own strategy later on, we’ll know where best practices lie–and where there might still be opportunities left untapped by those same competitors!
Analyze Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
- What are KPIs?
KPIs are the key performance indicators that you use to measure your success. They’re the things that matter most to your business, like revenue or conversion rates. If a KPI isn’t improving, it means you need to change something in order for your marketing strategy to be successful.
- How can I analyze my KPIs?
There are many tools available online that allow you to quickly see how well your site is performing and what areas might need improvement: Google Analytics, Moz’s Open Site Explorer, HubSpot’s Website Grader…the list goes on! Once you’ve chosen one of these services (or if none of them work for what you need), start by looking at some basic statistics about visitors coming into your site through different channels such as search engines or social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter–this will give an idea of where people are coming from and how much traffic each channel brings in overall so far this month/year etcetera). Then check out individual pages’ metrics by visiting those pages directly through their URLs rather than linking back into Google Analytics dashboard because there may be additional information available here such as time spent per page viewed vs number clicked through links vs bounce rate etcetera). Finally look at conversion rates across different types
Be proactive rather than reactive
If you’re looking to improve the health of your business, it’s important to take a proactive approach rather than waiting for problems to arise. The best way to do this is by regularly reviewing your data and making adjustments as needed in order for it to be accurate. This will help you identify issues before they become major problems.
For example, if there are any discrepancies between what customers say about their experience with your product or service and how much money they spend with you (or don’t), this could indicate that something needs improvement–and fast! By taking steps now instead of waiting until after something goes wrong, you’ll be able get ahead of any potential issues before they happen or even start happening at all
Create Customer Personas
- Customer personas are a way to describe your ideal customer. They should be based on real data, not just your own assumptions or guesses.
- A good persona will answer all of the following questions:
- What is their job title?
- What industry do they work in?
- How old are they?
- Where do they live (zip code)?
- The most important part of creating customer personas is making sure that each one represents an actual person with needs and goals that are specific to them, not just what you think they need or want from your business.